Ethiopia Yirgacheffee, Chelchele
The process of producing Washed coffees in Ethiopia adds to the coffee's uniqueness. The journey from ripe coffee cherries to your cup begins with same-day depulping after picking. Following an 8–12-hour fermentation period in open-air tanks, the beans are washed in water channels to remove the mucilage. They are then carefully spread on raised beds to dry for 5–15 days, depending on the weather. Delivering sweet, toffee-like notes, complemented by hints of citrusy, lemon, Peach.
Flavour Note
Lemonade, Apricot & Floral
Acidity: Light 2/5
Body: Medium 3/5
Roasting: Omni
Fully Washed
Type of Beans
100% Arabica
Espresso Brewing Guide
Contact time 25--30 seconds
Dose 22g
Brew Ratio 1:2.7
Extraction 60g
Temperature 93-95 °C
Filter Brewing Guide
Total Brew Time 2:30-2:40
Brew Ratio 1:15
Dose 20g
Water 300g
Pour 4 (including bloom) 40g (30sec), 110g (30Sec), 150g (30sec), 50g (5sec)
Temperature 93°C
Tip: Let the water draw almost all the way down before each pour for a clean and aromatic brew.